Welcome to iLab at Griffith University



Our iLab cores

Griffith has 14 iLab core research facilities, supporting interdisciplinary research to internal and external researchers staff and students.

Our highly skilled technical staff are at the heart of our state-of-the-art research facilities, and can help drive productivity and excellence in your research.  

To explore our iLab research capabilities and contact our core managers, please visit our iLab@Griffith website.


To access our iLab cores 

To register as a Griffith user, please use your Griffith creedentials. For external users, please contact the iLab core manager and fill in our External User Request form.


Need iLab support? 

Check our self-help material at iLab@Griffith or fill in one of our forms (SSO access). For external users, please contact the iLab core manager directly.


Can't find what you need on iLab?

You can now find more information on all research equipment available at Griffith University on our Research Infrastructure Portal.

iLab Cores at Griffith University

Core Name Primary Contact Email Phone Number/Ext
ADaPT (Advanced Design and Prototyping Technologies) Mr Antonio Grimm a.grimm@griffith.edu.au (07) 5552 8861
Clinical Trial Unit
Compounds Australia Rebecca Lang r.lang@griffith.edu.au +617 3735 4425
ESC Facility Core Ryan Stewart ryan.stewart@griffith.edu.au Mobile - 0493582335
Environmental Research Facility Ryan Stewart ryan.stewart@griffith.edu.au Ph - 0755529481
GC Materials Analysis Core Jagadish Roy j.roy@griffith.edu.au 755528015
Griffith Analytical Facility Alan White alan.white@griffith.edu.au 61 7 37355076
Griffith Health Analytics Core Dr Paulina Janeczek p.janeczek@griffith.edu.au (07) 555 29159
Griffith Health Human Studies Core Dr Paulina Janeczek p.janeczek@griffith.edu.au (07) 555 29159
Griffith Health Imaging Core Dr Paulina Janeczek p.janeczek@griffith.edu.au (07) 555 29159
Griffith Institute for Drug Discovery (GRIDD) Dr Pauline Kelly pauline.kelly@griffith.edu.au (07) 373 56534
Institute for Glycomics Dr Michael Batzloff glycomicsoperationsmanager@griffith.edu.au (07) 5552 9434
Queensland Micro Nanotechnology Centre Glenn Walker glenn.walker@griffith.edu.au 37359737
Workshops Jens Bergmann j.bergmann@griffith.edu.au 373 57289